Architecture can positively impact people's lives. It is the interior proportions of space, the manipulation of light, and the flow from one room to another that an architectural experience primarily consists of. It is also materiality, understood as texture or as gradients of transparency. It is ... read more On Proportions, Light, and flow
Vernacular is not a style, and vernacular architecture is not a static depiction of the romantic past. Departing from an understanding of vernacular forms, as forms molded not by designers but by the slow pattern of changes within the tradition (Alexander, 1964), I am not sure whether ... read more Thoughts on Vernacular Architecture
Architecture is, in its essence, a problem-solving science. At the birth of every project, a good architect must map down all those parameters that will go into play and produce the form of the building. What goes into that list, in which priority, and which in the ... read more Equilibrium Architecture